5 Things to Know About Sanctuary Cities
What is a Sanctuary City? What does it mean? And how does it affect me? Here are 5 points to help you navigate through the muddy water of politics as the term is being thrown about by those on both sides of the aisle. 1. What is a Sanctuary City?In short, a Sanctuary City is […]
My Target Break-Up: It’s You, Not Me
Oh Target! How did I love thee? Let me count the ways. I loved idly browsing your end-caps as a method of Mommy Escapism, and I thrilled at the fantastic clearance deals I procured along the way. Stacking Cartwheel deals with sales and then adding a manufacturer’s coupons allowed me to obtain free toiletries for […]
I am Feminine, but NOT a Feminist!
How have you been oppressed today? No, seriously! Take a minute, sit back, and mull over Every. Single. Moment. of your day to chew slowly on each thing that has bumped your little sphere of existence. Did someone’s choice of shirt offend you? Write that down. What about the Uber driver who had a cross […]